Monday 14 January 2013

Deciphering the left

You know that quote by Nye Bevin? Yes, that one where he calls Tories lower than vermin. It’s the quote of choice for intellectually challenged lefties who never quite achieved 6th form common room debating  standard.

I’ve read that quote three times in as many days on various forms of social media and each time I do chuckle to myself. The left see themselves as cuddly and nice. Socialism is after all, all about sharing and caring for everyone no matter what. However calling people lower than vermin for daring to having a political opinion different to their own is seen as fair game however.

It was then some time on Saturday that this article came to my attention. Have a read of it and then tell me how anybody can call a Tory lower than vermin when people in the Socialist Workers Party treat rape as an internal matter.

What the actual hell is that all about?  How can one of the worst crimes known to humanity be ‘an internal matter’?  Words cannot describe the sheer lunacy and perversion of this case at all.  The lunatic party behind this utter disgrace “exonerated the official because it doesn't believe in ‘bourgeois court system’ to deliver justice “.

Well poor them eh?  I mean it’s only the law, not just of this land but of most of the civilized world. A man who allegedly has unlawful sexual relations with a woman should be handed over to the police. Whether he is guilty or not there is absolutely no way on God’s green earth that rape can be an eternal matter.

This is what we are dealing with when we talk about the lefties as some kind of race of people. They are utter obsessives to their cause to such an extent that it warps their common logic. In their minds you are either ‘one of us’ or you are against us and fair game for any insults, public disorder or paedophile accusations as we have seen with Lord McAlpine.  

They are absolute barmpots on the whole and will politicise each and everything they come across in life and use it as a weapon to attack the enemy.

Who are the enemy? Well I guess I must be one of them as I detest all things socialism stands for. It is not even GCSE standard political debate material. The fact that most people’s socialism stems from ‘they’re rich, I’m not, let’s get em’. Tells you all you need to know about these people.

They don’t care for freedom of speech, the law of the land or peoples civil liberties. All they care about is some warped moral crusade and woe betide you if you stand up to them.  I got an email once when I was spinning for the Torres during the 2010 election campaign. It called me a “fascist, capitalist scumbag’ . I guess the sender didn’t read Politics at University then (I’ll leave it you to work out the not so deliberate mistake of my anonymous emailer).

Then I move onto the hot topic of the past 30 years and probably the next 100 years. Namely, Mrs Thatcher. The neo left and the current University lecturers in the UK have taken to brainwashing the impressionable undergrads with tales of how Britain was a utopia of health, wealth and happiness in 1979. Right until the even witch seized power in a bloody coup.

They fail to mention that Britain was the sick man of Europe and was in a worse state then it was in 1945 after the war ended. Britain was on its knees financially. Just do some basic web research into this and you’ll see that this great myth of Thatcher destroying a booming great nation is just utter bollocks. The fact that Tony Benn as minister of Energy closed more mines than Thatcher is another fact that is overlooked.

Now, I’m not going to defend Mrs Thatcher’s record as PM. That is a debate that no side can win and an argument that will go on ad infinitum. What I do say and nobody in their right mind can deny is that Britain was on life support in 1979 and needed medicine of some kind.   Whether the medicine dished out by the subsequent Tory administrations was the right one is the debate that is still on-going.

Whether you chose to believe it or not, the UK is a much more attractive place to live in now than it was in the 70s. It is also a much more viable option for overseas investors.

Yes, traditional manufacturing industries went under and this is something I can’t defend. I can understand why this happened with British firms being unable to compete with cheaper options overseas. Of course this then boils down to the trade unions calling all the shots and holding the country to ransom at certain points when they felt like it.

Just remember there are lies, darn lies and things the left will have you believe. 

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